Program/Scientific Program

Chemical Crystallography

MS-10 Chemistry and Physics of Modulated and Composite Crystals
Description Structure as well as physical and chemical aspects of incommensurately modulated crystals and incommensurate composite crystals. Emphasis on results, interesting and novel structures, rather than methods.
MS-35 Hydrogen Bonding as a Crystal Engineering Design Tool
Description Focus on hydrogen bonding within the context of crystal packing, with particular interest in crystal engineering. This session could also include work in charge density and neutron studies.
MS-43 Supramolecular Interactions in the Solid State
Description This symposium will look at preparing and characterising crystalline supramolecular systems. Emphasis should be placed on supramolecular interactions other than hydrogen bonding (which is specifically covered in another symposium), such as halogen bonding and other electrostatic interactions.
MS-50 Molecular Photocrystallography
Description This MS is focused on the developing area of the interaction of solid materials with light, and the introduction of the dimension of "time" into crystallographic experiment. It will cover the dynamics of spin crossover systems, solid state cycloaddition reactions, and time resolved crystallography.
MS-57 Macromolecular and Soft-matter Aperiodic Crystals (crystallography, growth and self-assembly, applications)
Description Studies of soft matter systems (micelles, polymers, colloids, nanoparticles, etc.) that form quasicrystalline and related novell phases. Experimental determination of structure and symmetry, degree/extent of long-range order, defects, using small angle scattering, TEM, and other tools. Theory of the stabilization mechanisms, numerical simulations, control of self-assembly, etc.
MS-58 From Exo-planets to Explosives: Ices and Other Molecular Compounds under Pressure
Description The crystallography and physics of molecular materials under high pressure.
MS-59 The Role of Crystallography in Chemical Reactivity and Catalysis
Description Use of complementary techniques to study chemical reactivity in solid state.
MS-67 Organic and Inorganic Multi-component Crystals: Structure and Properties
Description Co-crystals with focus on structure-property relationships. These could include altered stability, dissolution or other properties for compounds of agrochemical, pharmaceutical or other industrial interest.
MS-75 Simulated and Experimental Structures in MOF
Description Complementary use of molecular simulation and experimental PXRD to solve and refine the structure of large pore MOFs. Molecular optimization; geometrical optimization. Emphasis is not on properties of MOFs but rather on structure determination.
MS-83 Structure and Properties in Functional Coordination Compounds
Description Could include MOFs, zeolites and other functional coordination compounds. Emphasis on properties and applications rather than structure determination alone.
MS-89 High Resolution Charge Density Using SR
Description Comparison of high resolution charge density determinations using conventional Xray and different SR sources.
MS-91 Structure of Metal Compounds Mimicking Protein Active Sites
Description This symposium is aimed at the wide range of metal-containing compounds which serve as model systems for protein active sites. May include synthesis and properties, with a focus on structure-property relationships.
MS-99 Non Ambient Crystallographic Studies of Nanoporous Materials
Description Intended to include all forms of non-ambient conditions (temperature, pressure, atmosphere) in organic and metal-organic porous materials.
MS-107 Applications of Powder Diffraction in the Pharmaceutical Industry
Description Polymorphism, co-crystals, stability studies and other applications.
MS-112 New Approaches to Crystal Structure Prediction
Description Methods and techniques that can be applied to either “organic” and/or “inorganic” structures are of interest here. Compare & contrast methods, predictions of stable compounds under ambient and non-ambient conditions, co-crystal stability, polymorph prediction and drug design, and related problems.